Sunday, 21 December 2008

The land that goes on forever

Yesterday was our last full at day at Acacia Camp. We woke up at 6:00 because we were going on safari for 4 hours. On the safari we saw:

• Elephants 30+
• Giraffe 9+
• Lions 7+
• Thompson Gazelle 50+
• Dic-Dic 1+
• Jackal 4+
• Heartbeast 20+
• Wildebeest 30+• Antelope 40+
• Hyena 4+
• Miakat 1+
• Buffalo 60+

After a few hours in the truck, we went to a Wilderness Lodge in the middle of nowhere. We all went swimming and there was a big bridge and underneath the bridge was some hippo. Luke got chased across the bridge by a monkey.
When we got back in the truck, we went on safari for another 2 hours. Unfortunately we still didn’t see any cheetah.
Once we got back at the campsite, the children practiced for their singing competition that will be held on Christmas Day. For tea, we had a sausage risotto, with leftover goat curry from the day before.

After we had eaten, we talked to a Masai Warrior about their life. We found out that they have to go out in the wilderness for five years before they are allowed to come back and get married. Masai wear red, because all animals bleed red and it’s a powerful colour. We also found out that the first one to kill a lion is a hero and gets to keep the mane to make a hat and the others in the hunting group make jewellery from the lion’s canines and claws. We found out that one arrow can kill an elephant, because of the poison, made from herbs. The Masai bow is made from a branch of an olive tree. The bow is very thin, but extremely strong. When firing an arrow, it can go up to 200 metres. Masai do not get to choose their own wives; their parents do that for them.

The best part of the day was talking to the Masai Warrior, because we learned so much that we didn’t know before.

By Eddie & Luke


Tigger said...

Hi there Guys!

Happy Christmas to you all! Very envious of your Adventure. Keep the news coming!

Luv from 'Tigger'!

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas to you all!