Monday, 22 December 2008

We're on the road to nowhere!

David is back in the land of the living, following 24 hours of Gastro, after eating or drinking something that didn't agree with his stomach.

It is time to leave the Maasai Mara to do one last game drive. We saw herds of buffalo and elephants who were none too pleased to see us and although we felt safe in our beloved truck, we knew full well that they were capable of charging at any moment, causing serious damage, but thanks to our trusted driver Joseph and guide Japhet we knew we were in safe hands.

After leaving the Mara we headed to Thika which is north of Nairobi and the home of the rehabilitation centre of the children we met at Fisherman's Camp.

Our journey was long and dusty and resulted in us getting horribly lost somewhere North East of Nairobi. In the pitch dark in search of a campsite with at least an element of security and a hot shower, we finally abandoned our quest and checked in to a hotel.

The Scott's being more happy to succumb to the idea of a comfy bed and a hot meal, the rest of the group finally admitted defeat and we all enjoyed a night of African luxury. A million miles from the 5* we normally accustom ourselves to, but a welcome break from "roughing it".

And so the road to nowhere ends under the mosquito nets of the Blue Post Hotel.

By Sam & David

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